Monday, April 4, 2011

Tombstone Arizona - Michael's blog

We arrived yesterday here at Tombstone, Arizona.
Now for a few seconds, you might think that Tombstone is like some sort of major Graveyard, no, in fact, it’s a town, and it was matter of fact burned down three times.
And that isn’t even the reason it is called Tombstone, its called that because the first person to discover it was going to mine for silver, but other people told him, that he’d only find Indians and his Tombstone, and so he called it Tombstone.
We only planned to stay one night at Tombstone, but once we saw the town, we changed our minds to two nights.  Many stores and buildings at Tombstone were very interesting, and we liked the place a lot.   Anyway, my mom and dad bought me a toy rifle and a pistol, unfortunately later, the pistol’s trigger couldn’t go back so now I only have the rifle, but that will have to do.   Anyway, we went to do two plays, well I mean watch.  So the first one was about good guys and bad guys, I can’t explain every detail in the play, because that would take forever and take up to may pages, but any way, it was pretty funny, and the gun shots really made me jump, I laughed a few times when one the actors didn’t have a gun, but he needed one so he went to the gun shop, but he went banging into the door beside it, the laundry room and banged himself.  Near halfway through the play, he said holding his gun “A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.” And tried to shoot his opponent (Of coarse with fake bullets, any way his opponent shot him a few times and he fell down.
Then next play was very similar, anyway I can’t tell everything about Tombstone and whatnot because like I said that would take forever and Page consuming, and I can’t take up all the room on the blog, but atleast you know where we went.


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